Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Above all ..

Posted on http://test.chedet.com/che_det/ (Malaysia Ex-Prime Minister's Blog)

Dear Tun and readers,

Well said and analysed – spot on.

The thinking or motivation might be different. But the short-term result or expectation remains the same – that is to start afresh ASAP.

There is no point to ‘drag’ this on especially since multiple ‘second chances’ had already being provided. I agree with you that if he step down now, new blood within UMNO ‘might’ have a chance to regain the confident of the rakyat and assure the continuity of UMNO to be the majority– and I understand your reasoning given your history with UMNO.

However, I urge you to think out side of the box and not only limited to UMNO BUT rather as the ‘Father of modern Malaysia’ who wants nothing else but the best for his children. Be it from UMNO or other – especially at this stage (knowing the possibilities, weakness, opportunity and strength….)

If you can (continue to) transcend all this mortal constraints you will ‘start’ a new chapter in your contribution to the future of Malaysia…..Malaysia boleh, because the rakyat boleh….

….. the biggest challenge with Democracy is that it assumes each individual start with a level playing field (eg. Information, education, experiences, etc) and yet we know that we are not there yet (this is even true in some ‘developed country’)….

Hence it is even more important to have a neutral, reliable and objective mentor. Who is more apt than you to be that person. For you it means moving from being ‘the modern father of Malaysia’ to be the ‘mentor/coach of modern Malaysia’. It is only you and you alone who can make this transition…

(The interest of the country transcend any colour, origin, ideology or generation)

And I (we, the rakyat) urge you to do so…….. for the sake of our children, our generation, our Tanahair.
Yours respectfully,



niza said...

nice to know you still take note of what happen in malaysia.

Denny said...

as they say once a 'malaysian', always a malaysian..

one cannot forget their neither their roots nor origin...

Thank you for your comment.
