Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Conservation VS Development

Posted on (Malaysia Ex-Prime Minister's Blog)

Dear Tun and readers,

We are constantly faced with dilemma,either to choose one or the other… your note you hinted choosing between conservation vs development. you know it is not always black/white. In my opinion in today’s world
Especially for Malaysia – we need to have both and it is compatible.. ..
..the crux of the matter is to make the conservation initiative economically
feasible/ positive ROI by backing this with sustainable development.

..easier said than done ?….. No, I don’t think so. The question is motivation
and perseverance (with vision) – like all thing that we set out to do..
…this is what make the difference between success and failure, balancing
short term objective with long term development….

…coming back to environmentalist/ conservation…. I have (another) dream to
set up a mechanism that will secure the future of our tropical forest and yet provide
future earning without destroying it… the time is right to make this happen
not only for our children, Malaysia but also for the world….

Are you ready to work on this..?


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