Friday, 4 July 2008

Diversity vs Brain drain

Posted on (Malaysia Ex-Prime Minister's Blog)

Dr. Mahathir et al.

Thank you for creating this blog and for making what Malaysia is today. I am proud to be a Malaysian.

I would like to share with you my dream and opinions in response to your posting on 3rd June on Multi-racial Malaysia. It is clear that the ethnic related issues are close to the heart of any Malaysian. On one hand it is one of Malaysia’s unique selling proposition (USP)/strengths and on the other hand it is a weaknesses; could be a threat if not managed well.

In my opinion, Malaysia needs to continue building the country and to create one common Malaysia identity/culture across the different ethnic where each individual should firstly feel that they are Malaysian before being a Malay, Chinese, Indian or Dayak. I like to think that my generation is the one that actually starting to ‘realise’/feel this…

As in today’s competitive world to keep and attract the best people, it is not sufficient to have an adequate policies but rather a set of high performance policies that speaks to one’s rationale and also emotions.

I have a dream, I dream of the day when the Prime Minister of Malaysia is selected based on merits and not biased by ethnic/origins. It is only then we achieve a full cycle as a multi-ethnic nation to harness the true power of diversity..

What is the likelihood of this happening, given the current political ecosystem in Malaysia? What can we do about it, for the sake of Malaysia's future?

Yours respectfully,


1 comment:

yournotalone said...

First, thanks for your input in RDP:) Cheers

It is very interesting to see you participating and engaging in virtual reality with such enthusiasm and energy (particularly in City of Culture and ExPrimeminister). Keep going - would like to see more on your Blog, though:)