Thursday, 28 October 2010

The new beginning

After 'neglecting' this blog for 2 years. I am now back again.

Two years is neither short nor long.
Depends on what you compared it to.

2 years represents 2 winters, 2 summers, 2 springs,
.....and so forth.....

2 years represents more than 2 cycle of 'human gestation'.....

2 years represents 2x of number of transistors
that we can put on an integrated circuit according
to Moore's Law. ...

Well, 2 years for me was a great deal of learning
and especially with the start-up company that we
are building (and continue to build).

Here is the (outdated website) because
we are currently working on the new one.

More information and new orientation
in the coming post.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Era of new collaborative politic?

Hello readers,

Lately , I have been an advert reader and blogger of
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad daily blog. Below is one of my
recent posting - a call for action...

I have a dream and believe that internet is here to
stay and will change the working of traditional policy
making and lobbying (in this case) by giving or empowering
the larger mass - (by inversing the pyramid).

In this case making it possible for each individual to express
their opinion, believe and even more important to act on it.



Below is an extract of my posting. You can get to
this blog by copying this link and paste it to your internet browser.

Dear Tun and readers,

We need get beyond the mind set of tit for tat and
I like to believe the majority of rakyat is ‘mature’ and ready to go beyond this.

We should not loose focus that our ultimate priority is use all the energy
(force/brain/resources/riches) that are ours to move the country forward.

Following my last comment in ‘WHY DON'T I DO SOMETHING’ I would
like to repeat my call for action – to those who first believe they can make a
different and want to make a different for the future of Malaysia now.

Please drop me a short email to

If we built this interest group/website – its first and foremost priority is to move
our country forward. And it should not be for any colour, races or politic,
just pure simple passion for the future of Malaysia.

Rakyat for the rakyat. This is your call. Act now! Print, email, spread this
Call to as many blogs, media or words to mouth as you can……



Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Above all ..

Posted on (Malaysia Ex-Prime Minister's Blog)

Dear Tun and readers,

Well said and analysed – spot on.

The thinking or motivation might be different. But the short-term result or expectation remains the same – that is to start afresh ASAP.

There is no point to ‘drag’ this on especially since multiple ‘second chances’ had already being provided. I agree with you that if he step down now, new blood within UMNO ‘might’ have a chance to regain the confident of the rakyat and assure the continuity of UMNO to be the majority– and I understand your reasoning given your history with UMNO.

However, I urge you to think out side of the box and not only limited to UMNO BUT rather as the ‘Father of modern Malaysia’ who wants nothing else but the best for his children. Be it from UMNO or other – especially at this stage (knowing the possibilities, weakness, opportunity and strength….)

If you can (continue to) transcend all this mortal constraints you will ‘start’ a new chapter in your contribution to the future of Malaysia…..Malaysia boleh, because the rakyat boleh….

….. the biggest challenge with Democracy is that it assumes each individual start with a level playing field (eg. Information, education, experiences, etc) and yet we know that we are not there yet (this is even true in some ‘developed country’)….

Hence it is even more important to have a neutral, reliable and objective mentor. Who is more apt than you to be that person. For you it means moving from being ‘the modern father of Malaysia’ to be the ‘mentor/coach of modern Malaysia’. It is only you and you alone who can make this transition…

(The interest of the country transcend any colour, origin, ideology or generation)

And I (we, the rakyat) urge you to do so…….. for the sake of our children, our generation, our Tanahair.
Yours respectfully,


Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Conservation VS Development

Posted on (Malaysia Ex-Prime Minister's Blog)

Dear Tun and readers,

We are constantly faced with dilemma,either to choose one or the other… your note you hinted choosing between conservation vs development. you know it is not always black/white. In my opinion in today’s world
Especially for Malaysia – we need to have both and it is compatible.. ..
..the crux of the matter is to make the conservation initiative economically
feasible/ positive ROI by backing this with sustainable development.

..easier said than done ?….. No, I don’t think so. The question is motivation
and perseverance (with vision) – like all thing that we set out to do..
…this is what make the difference between success and failure, balancing
short term objective with long term development….

…coming back to environmentalist/ conservation…. I have (another) dream to
set up a mechanism that will secure the future of our tropical forest and yet provide
future earning without destroying it… the time is right to make this happen
not only for our children, Malaysia but also for the world….

Are you ready to work on this..?


Friday, 4 July 2008

Diversity vs Brain drain

Posted on (Malaysia Ex-Prime Minister's Blog)

Dr. Mahathir et al.

Thank you for creating this blog and for making what Malaysia is today. I am proud to be a Malaysian.

I would like to share with you my dream and opinions in response to your posting on 3rd June on Multi-racial Malaysia. It is clear that the ethnic related issues are close to the heart of any Malaysian. On one hand it is one of Malaysia’s unique selling proposition (USP)/strengths and on the other hand it is a weaknesses; could be a threat if not managed well.

In my opinion, Malaysia needs to continue building the country and to create one common Malaysia identity/culture across the different ethnic where each individual should firstly feel that they are Malaysian before being a Malay, Chinese, Indian or Dayak. I like to think that my generation is the one that actually starting to ‘realise’/feel this…

As in today’s competitive world to keep and attract the best people, it is not sufficient to have an adequate policies but rather a set of high performance policies that speaks to one’s rationale and also emotions.

I have a dream, I dream of the day when the Prime Minister of Malaysia is selected based on merits and not biased by ethnic/origins. It is only then we achieve a full cycle as a multi-ethnic nation to harness the true power of diversity..

What is the likelihood of this happening, given the current political ecosystem in Malaysia? What can we do about it, for the sake of Malaysia's future?

Yours respectfully,


Thursday, 3 July 2008

my letter to Liege 2015

Dear founder/committee of Liège 2015 ‘movement’(

I admire your energy, creativity, determination and a truly ‘spirit’ of Liège. You have done a good job up to know. You have started the ‘snow-ball’ rolling. Hopefully it will gain momentum leading to a break through.

However this is a complex snow-ball with multiple facets. To have a real break through you will need to prepare the slope well at the start.

As Sun Tzu (Chinese strategists/philosopher) said 2000 years ago, “One should only start a war if you know that you will win….not to go into a war and then try to win it….”

In essence, the key is to have a good preparation. (I am not advocating analysis paralysis by over analysis but rather through pareto rule of 20/80).

In my opinion getting the 19,000 signatures to enable a ‘referendum’(consultation populaire) should not be the objective (eventhough it is a milestone). We should however start with the end point in mind that is to make Liège the European Capital of Culture in 2015. (staying away from du pain et des jeux….)

As you rightly said having a ‘consultation populaire’ will not make Liège the European Capital of culture. Why do we need it then? … I understand the minimum legal requirement is such…. BUT using the energy and support of 18,999 individual just to have a debate that might or might not lead to something… it not a ‘waste’?

Lacking of a clear vision and framework, will put this beautiful effort to quickly degenerated into ‘chaos’ where others could hijacked it for personal, political, cultural, economical, regional or societal interest. Whereas Liège 2015 effort is greater than all of this interest this combined (as it should included all this issues and beyond) …

Hence if we(you) all believe that Liège have what it takes to make it. We (you) urgently need to back this signatures gathering effort with a clear visions and possible actions or scenarios. By showing how we can dream and ways to turn this into a reality: Liège as the European Capital of culture 2015.

The stake is too high to shoot blanks (if we-you don’t have a clear vision and actions that follow).

With ‘power’ comes responsibility. By empowering you with vote/signatures, it is normal that the public (we) expect concrete actions and results in return. If you take without giving ……..

Hence, my question to you is: are you ready for this ? where do you want to go? where will you start? And how will you do it? What do you need to get there? And when ?

I end with a poem by T.E. Lawrence …

All men dream: but not equally,
Those who dream by night in the dusty
recesses of their minds wake in the day
to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men,
for they may act their dreams with open eyes,
to make it possible.

Yours respectfully,


Tuesday, 1 April 2008

New editorial focus.

It has being some time since I last publish on this blog. Since then I have decided to give my blog a sense of direction (why should someone care to spend time on it or not).

The new editorial line will focus on cultural exchange and/or contrast between where I live, work and play. This is either through real people, virtual (online) that I meet during play or work (or plawork). Where our life path have crossed……and that moment is captured on this blog…