Thursday, 4 September 2008

Era of new collaborative politic?

Hello readers,

Lately , I have been an advert reader and blogger of
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad daily blog. Below is one of my
recent posting - a call for action...

I have a dream and believe that internet is here to
stay and will change the working of traditional policy
making and lobbying (in this case) by giving or empowering
the larger mass - (by inversing the pyramid).

In this case making it possible for each individual to express
their opinion, believe and even more important to act on it.



Below is an extract of my posting. You can get to
this blog by copying this link and paste it to your internet browser.

Dear Tun and readers,

We need get beyond the mind set of tit for tat and
I like to believe the majority of rakyat is ‘mature’ and ready to go beyond this.

We should not loose focus that our ultimate priority is use all the energy
(force/brain/resources/riches) that are ours to move the country forward.

Following my last comment in ‘WHY DON'T I DO SOMETHING’ I would
like to repeat my call for action – to those who first believe they can make a
different and want to make a different for the future of Malaysia now.

Please drop me a short email to

If we built this interest group/website – its first and foremost priority is to move
our country forward. And it should not be for any colour, races or politic,
just pure simple passion for the future of Malaysia.

Rakyat for the rakyat. This is your call. Act now! Print, email, spread this
Call to as many blogs, media or words to mouth as you can……

